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Jan 6, 2022

Checked Your Tires Lately?
The condition of your tires can mean the difference between a close call and a collision

Improper inflation and unnoticed tire damage can lead to blowouts. Even undamaged tires with half their tread may lose traction on wet surfaces and hydroplane.

Tread depth is measured in 32nds of an inch. Tread depth on new tires typically measures 10/32 inches or 11/32 inches (about a third of an inch), while trucks, SUVs, or winter tires may have deeper treads. When tires reach 2/32 inches, the U.S. Department of Transportation recommends replacing them.

To check whether you’ve hit the 2/32-inch mark, use the penny test as follows:

• Place a penny in a tire tread groove with Lincoln’s head face first in the groove.
• Check if Lincoln’s face on the penny disappears between the grooves.
• If it does, your tread is still above 2/32 inches. If you can see all of Lincoln’s face, it’s time to replace your tire.
• Make sure to repeat with all tires and in various places on each tire.

There are a few other ways for drivers to check tire tread depth, including using a tread depth gauge and tread wear indicator bars.

Learn more about how to give your Toyota tire treads a longer life is by maintaining recommended tire pressure, or connect with the Service Department at Passport Toyota for any and all tire service! Learn why to choose our service department while our staff can also help confirm if your battery is dying and give you more maintenance tips – like how to check your transmission fluid – before you get back on the road.


Delaying tire service can result in damage to your tires and suspension. Let our service team at Passport Toyota provide the best possible service for your Toyota. Click here to schedule service.